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Tag: UX/UI

UX design for kids featured image

UX design for kids

The products and apps that are focusing on the kids are in spike and the UX and interaction design with gamification for those apps or games have to be designed by keeping the primary principles. In this article, I have put SIX simple and pretty

Gamification of timesheet entry

TimeKeeper A mobile application designed for employees to fill the timesheet and maintain the hours and projects in a clean and intuitive way. Problem Statement Everyone likes to procrastinate filling timesheets as it is never an enjoyable experience. It’s a challenge to remember the details

Why people are leaving facebook

Facebook is the pioneer that introduced social media to people. It opened the gates to connect people across the world and also created trends like Newsfeed, Symbol (Like) and Instant messages which made it unique. Facebook ruled social media for over a decade, but now
Looks-blog featured image

Why design is not just about good looks?

We as the #uxstrategy and #design consulting firm always come across a few questions repeatedly some of them I have stated below: 1. What's the reason for these many hours quoted just for discovering the idea and concept? 2. Why do you need to do

Influence of sound in design, UX Design.

Sound is an amazing thing to engage the user in the interaction design. The recent update of Apple, if you have observed the recent interaction with notification especially in 3D Touch and/or Haptic, feels like they pulled out off you’re subconscious brain and put it